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Friday, August 30, 2013

Multitasking - a new era

MULTITASKING is my best friend. Not in the sense that I'm super efficient at it, but in the sense that I would love to actually use it effectively and I constantly think about ways to do more during the day. Well, I'm going to implement some of those in the coming weeks. Perhaps, when all is said and done, I'll be able to legitimately call multitasking my best friend...

THE PICTURE of the woven magazine paper basket on the right is where this whole thought process started. I just happened to see this photo on Pinterest (you can follow my boards here) and accidentally clicked its accompanying link and thought, "how hard could this be?" It didn't help that I've been hoarding magazines since I was like 9 years old. I always think I'm going to do something great with them one day which gives me the necessary justification to keep stockpiling them in places my husband will hopefully leave undiscovered. 

SO FAR, this doesn't seem like a bad thing, right? So far, it seems like I'm following the sort of natural path that every other crafter follows when they get inspired. However, my problem is a long, winding thread that leads back to all of those projects I SHOULD be finishing. Let's start with the most recent endeavor and work our way back...
Crocheted Hexagon Flower Purse

  1. Crocheted Steelpan Keychains - I play in a steelband (no, not heavy metal. Think Caribbean instruments) and have made some really great friends there. I recently thought, in tribute to a ridiculous favor they paid me, that I would make them all a little something cute and crocheted. Not only did I set out to make 3 of these, but I had to actually write the pattern myself. It was just a free floating idea I decided to jump on. THIS is what I should have been doing instead of making woven magazine paper baskets... but wait... there's more!
  2. Hexagon flower purse - approximately a year ago, my mother asked me to make one of these purses for her. I had agreed, of course, and here we are 1 year later. The purse has a good beginning, but I still need to make more hexagons, find a strap, and sew in a lining. A good year's progress... 
  3. 12-foot scarf - A friend of mine found out about a 12-foot Dr. Who themed scarf I was making, and asked me to make one for him as well. It sounded like a great idea at the time. It's knitting, and I'm always excited about new techniques, so I was anxious to sharpen my knitting skills, and I like making things for friends. However, I've probably got 3 feet on that project so far and it was started about a year ago as well... Here's the pattern I'm using...
SO you see, it wasn't very practical of me to have taken up another new, unrelated project to fill my time. 

ANYWAY, back to multitasking...

I THOUGHT that perhaps I could make all of these random craft detours more legitimate if I was able to do two things at once. I work at a public library during the day and I've recently been taking on more responsibilities there. I want to stay current with the literature that we shelve, but have little time between working, performing, and crafting to do that. Then, I had this idea. What if I listen to audiobooks while I craft??? Then, I can multitask my way into thinking I'm being more productive than I really am! It cannot possibly fail! 

AS we speak, I'm transferring Nicholas Sparks' "The Lucky One" to my iPod so that I can run into my craft room, finish my magazine basket, and move on to bigger, more productive things! Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading,
