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Sunday, February 19, 2012

My First Amigurumi - a beginner's review

This was my very first attempt at amigurumi.

He was created on New Years Eve 2011. I remember because while all of my friends were gathered together playing board games and having a grand old time, I was at home sick with some kind of cold or flu. I sipped my theraflu and started on this little guy. I had just recently purchased my first amigurumi books and couldn't possibly wait until I felt better to crack open these books and dig in! I wasn't content with just looking at the pictures. It needed to happen, and it needed to happen whether I was sick or not. So, I started. I managed to finish his head before the theraflu kicked in. Then, four hours later, I woke up from my sleep and finished him off.

I was really surprised with how easy he was to make. Most creatures I've done so far are entirely single crochet. This stitch is like the first one you learn as a crocheter. Well, perhaps I shouldn't say that. When I learned to crochet, my grandma taught me the Half Double Crochet first. I didn't know it was an hdc until a lot later... a LOT later... but that is a different story entirely... So, they are all single crochet, and once you master crocheting in the round, it's a cinch!

The other really necessary trick to Amigurumi is the magic ring. *cue dramatic theme music* I used this link to find out more about the magic ring. Yes, it may be hard to seriously investigate a crochet technique called "the magic ring," but it is so worth it. At least, I had a hard time not laughing as I typed it in my google search bar. I thought for sure all of the search results were going to say, "Are you serious? Have you EVER crocheted before? That does NOT exist! :D Anyway, I have found out, also, that it can interchangeably be called an adjustable ring. I get super annoyed when I'm researching something and it has 400 different names. Hopefully, this will save you some trouble if you are looking for it as well. ANYWAY, the adjustable ring is WAY cooler than the other ways I've seen of doing it. The other instructions I've seen say to ch 2 and make however many stitches you need for the first row in the second chain from the hook. It makes a circle and everything, but the hole in the middle is HUGE. The point of using single crochet is to prevent stuffing from leaking out. If there is this gaping hole in the top of your project, it doesn't really matter that the rest of it is all nicely and neatly bound together. So, in my opinion, go for the magic, (hehe), or adjustable ring.

The other tid-bit I learned in my first Amigurumi project was to actually read the list of supplies before you leave the shopping center to create your cuties. I definitely didn't do this. This is why my poor purple bird has eyes that are made out of lots and lots of knots, and a beak (yes, I am aware that you probably didn't know it was a beak until now) that looks like nothing I've ever seen before. If I had read the supply list, I could have gotten beads for the eyes and felt for the beak. (I have a whole rant about felted accessories and bead eyes that I'll get to at some point) However, when I was finally able to begin the quest for cuteness and sit down to make this guy, I finally understand that I forgot to get materials. I'm lucky I had fiberfill lying around for the inside!

So, that's how I spent my New Year's Eve. There was no ball dropping, no champagne, and no confetti. I had a mug full of theraflu, a lap full of yarn, and the introduction to making some of the cutest crochet things I've ever made. Plus, I got a 4-hour nap! Perhaps this is how I will spend next New Years...

I'm happy to say my amigurumi skills have improved since this test-drive bird. Check out some of my finished products at My Etsy Site.

Thanks for reading,


QUESTION: What crochet projects are you MOST proud of?

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